About us

Serving the community

Fly High Photography is dedicated to capturing everything that Northern California has to offer.  It is our mission to provide a unique view of local businesses, community events, beautiful landscapes and the rich history that makes this area so great.   Our goal is to benefit everyone here by providing the opportunity for our little community to be discovered by the world. 

Steven Epperson

I am dedicated to providing the opportunity for small businesses to have access to stunning marketing content so they get recognition on any viewing platform. As an entrepenuer I know how important it can be for businesses to reach the right audience. 

 I am a licenced part 107 remote pilot.  All aerial activities will be cunducted following FAA rules, CBO guidlines, landowner permissions, and all local, state, and federal rules and regulations that may apply to any area being flown in.  Any and all permits that may be required will be obtained prior to any operations.